Calculating the costs.

Using some ‘'back of the envelope’’ calculations, it’s easy to see what the potential costs can be for miners who create downtime through excessive noise. It makes good sense, for miners to control noise at the source.

Average cost of machinery downtime due to noise exceedance…


Haul truck - $5,000 per hour.

Excavator - $15,000 per hour.



Based on 10 haul trucks and 2 excavators with downtime of 3 hours per day…

Haul trucks - $5,000 x 10 machines x 3 hours

= $150,000 per day​

Excavator - $15,000 x 2 machines x 3 hours

= $90,000 per day​

Total = $240,000 per day​

Potential loss of revenue per year for a mining company…



The Dual Nature of Mining: Examining the Impacts of Noise on Communities Living Near Mine Sites


Does the weather and time of day affect noise?